Consulting Regulation CMC – Confirme – H/F (Mission)
Saclay, IDF, France (Hybride)
Mission (8 mois 17 jours)
Publié il y a 2 jours
Context for this Freelance/Self-employed mission: For one of our client, we are looking for a consultant in CMC Regulation (Small Molecules in development) for the Regulatory CMC Department (CMC Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls)
Support the team in place for RtQ activities in Europe, USA and other countries in the submission of the NDA/MAA for a small molecule oncology product in development
Participate in writing answers to questions
Participate of the management RtQ process (timelines, trackers)
5 years experience in CMC technical roles (Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls)
Proven track record of effective stakeholder management
Ability to manage multiple activities concomitantly
Degree in Pharmacy or a relevant science/technical subject
Fluent in English
Location: Mission onsite in Saclay with partial remote to be discussed
Il n'y a pas d'offres.
All rights reserved © FreelanceDay 2025
FeelanceDay, date création entreprise 12-05-2017 - Il y a 8 ans, forme juridique : SARL unipersonnelle, noms commerciaux REESK DIGITAL SOLUTION, adresse postale 28 RUE DE LONDRES 75009 PARIS, numéro SIREN : 829739622, numéro SIRET (siège) : 2973962200019, numéro TVA Intracommunautaire : FR28829739622, numéro RCS Paris B 829 739 622, activité (Code NAF ou APE), edition de logiciels applicatifs (5829C)