Profil de a rh

a rh
850.00€ /j
consultant investment banking
Disponible le : 02/11/2018
Localisation : France
Mobilité : Mobilité régionale
0 missions réalisées

a rh en quelques mots



I am a passionate investment professional with a diversified experience including Investment Banking, Private Equity, portfolio management, structured products, risk Management; as well as ALM and SAA advisory. Further to an internationally recognized education and certification, I believe that on field experience (in North Africa) sharpened my investment philosophy and approach towards a higher focus on people, technology, governance, and day-to-day management in order to concretize and achieve value creation and extraction. 


Since August 2015: CGF 

Investment Banking Director 

Following the acquisition of CGF by SWICORP, I was hired in order to create and develop Investment banking activities within CGF 


Assist SPE Capital in their PE investments in Tunisia (sourcing, structuring, due diligence…) 

 Recruit, train and manage a team of financial analysts 

 Advisory and fund raising services to greenfield or expansion projects 

o Review of projects, challenging business plans & strategies 

o Prepare investment documents: Information Memorandum, Teasers, NDAs,.. 

o Structure investments and propose it to a selection of investors 

Develop a network of SICARs, PE funds, family offices, Insurance companies 

o Advise and assist clients in negotiations (shareholder’s agreements, exit strategies..) 

 Advisory for clients (listed companies) on financial communication and relationship with investors 

o Communicate on updated business plans 

o Implement a proactive communication strategy 

o Prepare quarterly financial reports 

 M & A 

 Equity & Debt Capital Markets 

o IPOs 

o Equity & Bond underwritings 

 References (in Annex) 


April 2010- August 2015: FINACORP Maghreb Private Equity Fund 

Private Equity Investment Manager 

Pre investment/sourcing 

o Identify and contact promising Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) in the region (mainly Tunisia and Morocco) and conduct a deep due diligence on them 


o Realized: Sourcing of many investment opportunities in Tunisia and Morocco, including (cross border Money transfer service company (Morocco), LED production facility (Tunisia/France), MVNO (Tunisia/Libya),…) 



 Investment: 

o Structure and negotiate an investment proposal, negotiate the terms of the shareholder’s agreement, valuation and exit strategies 

o Complete and challenge the business plan 

o Conduct, coordinate and supervise due diligences (operational, financial, legal,..;) 

o Monitor Investment Committee requirements 

o Closing (cf References) 

 Post investment: 

o Member of the board of Directors, 

o Monitor and supervise business plan implementation, advise and take decisions on strategic options, prepare for the exit strategy 

o Participate in improving the company governance 

 Reporting: 

o The private equity fund (approx. 28M USD invested) LPs are institutional investors from the Gulf region (Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain, KSA) and Europe 

o Quarterly reporting, NAV calculation, review the valuation of unquoted investments 

 Member of the Board of Directors of companies in Tunisia and Morocco (agribusiness, textile industry, logistics and distribution) 

 Member of the fund investment committee 

o Roadshow to meet investors, realize capital calls,… 


April 2010- August 2015: FINACORP 

Corporate Finance & Advisory Manager 

Recruit, train and manage a team of financial analysts 

o supervise Equity Research publications on Tunis stock exchange 

 Participate in IPO placements for foreign investors 

o establish and monitor relationship with potential investors (usually institutional investors from the Middle East) 

 Advisory and fund raising services to green field or expansion projects 

o Review of projects, preparation of documents: Information Memorandum, Teasers,… 

o Fund rising, road shows (Kuwait, UAE, KSA, Bahrain, Qatar) 

 Sectors covered: Oil exploration, agribusiness, textile industry, telecom, Software industry, transportation industry,… 


August 2006 – January 2010: SGAM Alternative Investments 

Structured portfolio manager 

Within a dedicated team (6 managers) managing around 3,5 Bln EUR (and more than 180 products), I did managed more than 35 products(mutual funds, managed accounts, EMTNs) applying Dynamic Portfolio Insurance strategies: 

 Different types of guarantees (in fine, MaxNav, permanent protection, “American style” guarantees…) & different asset classes (Equities, Bonds, Commodities, hedge funds…) 

 Apply derivatives to hedge Interest Rate and FX risks (IR swaps, Futures, caps/floors, FX swaps/forwards) 

 Build & Conduct an active fund selection process 

o Use the expertise of a dedicated team of fund analysts and realize qualitative and quantitative analysis for a large universe of funds 

o Use external quantitative tools (Morningstar Direct, APT, Lipper) 

o Recommend allocation on a selection of funds to the investment committee & clients 

 Manage sharia compliant products 

o invest in Murabaha contracts and sharia compliant equity baskets 


April 2005- August 2006: SGAM 

Risk Manager 

For the first 6 months I was producing monthly reporting to the company management and sharing the best risk management practices within SGAM Group 

 Since September 2005, I joined the Risk Management team dedicated to Alternative Investments and worked on monitoring market risk: daily stress test calculation (scenario analysis) applied to the assets and the liabilities (guarantees) of each structured product (having a guarantee from the bank) applying Societe Generale Stress Test methodology in calculating market risk 

 Monthly reporting to SG headquarter, quantifying expected « tail » loss (VAR type risk measure) 


Mars 2001-Avril 2005: SGAM 

Asset allocation analyst/Team manager 

Write tailor-made strategic asset allocation studies for SGAM institutional clients including corporates, family offices, defined benefits and defined obligations pension funds and retail banking 

 Participate in answering asset management tender offers, including defending the proposed allocation to the final client/consultant 

 Optimize portfolios (Asset Allocation, Risk budgeting, Monte-Carlo simulations,…) 

 Develop VBA and Excel quantitative tools, used by portfolio managers 


October 1999-Marsh 2001 


I worked as a consultant for CSC ( on various missions and clients including 

 SG Investment Banking: “new economy” startups business model assessment 

 Natexis Banques Populaires: implementing a new middle office IT system. 

 FORTIS Investment Banking (Belgium & Netherlands): re-organization of equity desk following Fortis merger with Mees Pearson 


April 1999-August 1999: PARIBAS 

Internship/ End-of-study project 

Implement a multi-factor Interest Rate model 

 Demonstrate usefulness in pricing path-dependent interest rate products (SWAP options,…) 


August 1997- July 1998: WORLD BANK, USA 

Project officer: Water Supply & Sanitation 

Within the Africa region infrastructure division, I worked as a project officer on 

 financing: water supply and sanitation projects in urban areas and in small towns in Africa 

 privatization and restructuring of water supply and sanitation services 

 February to March 1998, I participated in project evaluation missions in Kenya and Uganda 



1995-1999 : “Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées”, FRANCE 

Engineering diplôma from L‘Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, 

o ( 


September 98-June 99: Master Probability & Finance 

Master Probability & Finance from Paris VI university (directed by Nicole El Karoui) 

o stochastic calculation and derivative products pricing 

o ( 


April 1996- August 1996 TOR VERGATA University, Rome, ITALY 

I joined an Italian engineering team searching practical applications for “piezoelectric” materials. 

 Developing a model and implementing a computer program to simulate piezoelectricity potential use to compensate earthquakes effects. 


September 92-95 : Lycée Henri IV 

Math sup/spé intensive preparatory classes for French « Grandes Ecoles » engineering schools 



French: fluent (I lived in France for 15 years) 

English: fluent (I lived in the US for one year, business language) 

Arabic: fluent 

Italian: intermediate (I lived 8 months in Italy) 

Spanish: beginner 



Since June 2006 : CFA Charterholder 

I am a « CFA Charterholder » and member of CFA France association 


Since January 2007- 2010: CFA Exam preparation lecturer 

CFA preparation seminars lecturer, organized by « Top finance » company, Paris 


Since 1996: Board Member 

Member of the board of Directors of ATUGE (2014-2016) 

 Program coordination of Forum ATUGE 2015 “Métiers d’avenir et avenir des métiers” 

 Conference organizer & « economic diplomacy » 


July 1992 : 

Selected to represent Tunisia in the 33rd International Mathematical Olympiad (Moscow 1992) 



 (Buy Side, M&A) Advise YELLOW SPIRIT, a regional Billboard company (Based in Lebanon) in the acquisition of MIP (Tunisian Billboard company, listed on Tunisian Stock Exchange) 

o Due diligences, negotiation, valuation, transfer of bank guarantees, closing,… 

o Enterprise value of approx. 18M TND 

 (Sell Side, M&A) Advise CTKD on the sale of an Hotel in Tunisia 

o Presentation to a selection of institutional investors 

o Negotiation & Closing (amount exceeding 10M TND, confidential) 

 (Bond Underwriting) SERVICOM, a diversified industrial company, listed on Tunisian Stock Exchange, 9M TND 

 (Takeover Bid, Tunis Stock Exchange) by Yellow Spirit on MIP stocks 

 (Equity Underwriting, Tunis Stock Exchange) SOTIPAPIER, an industrial company, listed on Tunisian Stock exchange 

 (M&A, Buy Side) Tobacco Company 

o Due diligence, Valuation completed, (negotiation : in progress) 

 (M&A, Sell Side) Engineering private School (in progress) 

 (Equity and debt raising, Restructuring) MARINA Co 

o Including 3 components (Touristic Port, Commercial real estate, Residential real estate) 

 (Equity raising & restructuring) Non listed Pharmaceutical company 

 (Equity raising) Seeds & breeding of plants company 

 (Equity raising/sale) Aquaculture company (fish farming) 

 (Bank restructuring) Poultry factory 

PE deal (Due diligence, PE raising) Renewable energies company 

 (Equity & debt raising) agriculture holding (in progress) 

 (Equity raising, Tunisia & Morocco) Aircraft industry Start-up 

 (Listing sponsor+ COM advisor) Aetech (IT), Cellcom (Distribution), Cerealis (Agribusiness) 

 Since September 2017: Investment committee chairman of Tunisia Fundamental Fund (>5M TND Equity+Bonds Fund, applying ) 


FINACorp Maghreb Private Equity Fund 

 Investment (Tunisia) Construction material company 

o Listed company 

 Investment (Tunisia) Car distribution company 

o Listed company 

 Listed Portfolio Maghreb 

o Investment on a selection of listed stocks (Tunisia and Morocco) approx.3M USD 

 Investment (Tunisia) Biscuit Company (board member) 


 Investment (Morocco) Textile Industry company (board member) 




 Investment (Morocco) Logistics company (board member) 




 (Equity raising) Helicopter transportation company 

 (Equity raising) Full MVNO (Telecom Industry) 

 (IPO) Tunisia Telecom (interrupted following January 2011’ events) 

 (Equity raising) Onshore Oil exploration company 

 (M&A, Sell side) Sugar production company 



 (Private) Founding partner 



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