UX / UI Designer
Designers will be responsible for translating insights into design solutions and creating functional and visually appealing user experiences, that not only meet the needs of the customer, but also the business objectives. Also creates assets for build inputting ad creating guidelines
All rights reserved © FreelanceDay 2024
FeelanceDay, date création entreprise 12-05-2017 - Il y a 7 ans, forme juridique : SARL unipersonnelle, noms commerciaux REESK DIGITAL SOLUTION, adresse postale 28 RUE DE LONDRES 75009 PARIS, numéro SIREN : 829739622, numéro SIRET (siège) : 2973962200019, numéro TVA Intracommunautaire : FR28829739622, numéro RCS Paris B 829 739 622, activité (Code NAF ou APE), edition de logiciels applicatifs (5829C)