Contexte de la mission
Support & evolutions of streaming solution (CDC, Capture Data Change), based on Confluent’s Kafka solution with custom addon for monitoring, automated deployment and other transverse needs.
Have to find someone to take care of support & evolutions of a solution of ours.
This is a streaming solution (CDC, Capture Data Change), based on Confluent’s Kafka solution with custom addon for monitoring, automated deployment and other transverse needs.
We need someone with a real and extensive knowledge of Confluent & Kafka’s insights to:
Provide Incident Support for the solution, based on predetermined SLA (watch and availability to solve issues)
Provide Service Request Support for the solution (predetermined amount of hours by month, with deadlines)
Work on solution changes & evolutions – amount of hours to be defined depending on current and future needs, perhaps on a separate contract
The position is to fill ASAP
For incident support: unlimited duration, work time depending on incident – can be 0 hour a month, or 1-2 day if we have incidents, but resource needs to be able to spin this time up quickly when an incident comes up
For change request support: unlimited duration, work time 8 hour/month
For solution changes and evolution: full time (8hour/day) for a month – for now, can change in the future
Il n'y a pas d'offres.
All rights reserved © FreelanceDay 2025
FeelanceDay, date création entreprise 12-05-2017 - Il y a 8 ans, forme juridique : SARL unipersonnelle, noms commerciaux REESK DIGITAL SOLUTION, adresse postale 28 RUE DE LONDRES 75009 PARIS, numéro SIREN : 829739622, numéro SIRET (siège) : 2973962200019, numéro TVA Intracommunautaire : FR28829739622, numéro RCS Paris B 829 739 622, activité (Code NAF ou APE), edition de logiciels applicatifs (5829C)