We are searching for a Project Manager BI and Data Analytics for our client on banque/insurance.
Duration : 6 months
The Data Intelligence team ensures that the different teams receive the correct insights from the data, via reports, dashboards, data analyzes and predictive models. To further optimize the use of data, we are looking for a Project Manager BI & Data Analytics. In this role, you support the head of Data Intelligence with a follow-up of the various projects and you advise on setting up optimisations in the various data developments. In addition, you coach colleagues to develop skills as well as to ensure delivery, communication and project follow-up.
Experience with BI projects
Experience in AI and ML projects
Proven project management skills and collaboration with IT
Experience in Azure/ Databricks, PBI, R/Python, SAS
The Data Intelligence team consists of several tracks (BI, Analytics, EUC Tools, Data Governance and Architecture) and includes 25 colleagues. Due to the temporary absence of some of the managers, we are looking for support from management. In this role, you support the head of Data Intelligence with:
A follow-up of the various projects :
Advise you on setting up strategic optimisations in the various data developments.
In addition, you coach colleagues to develop skills as well as to ensure around deliveries, communication and project follow-up.
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FeelanceDay, date création entreprise 12-05-2017 - Il y a 8 ans, forme juridique : SARL unipersonnelle, noms commerciaux REESK DIGITAL SOLUTION, adresse postale 28 RUE DE LONDRES 75009 PARIS, numéro SIREN : 829739622, numéro SIRET (siège) : 2973962200019, numéro TVA Intracommunautaire : FR28829739622, numéro RCS Paris B 829 739 622, activité (Code NAF ou APE), edition de logiciels applicatifs (5829C)