Client context :
Our client has just created a new division in its group and is the result of the recent merger of the former entities.
The organization has as an objective to enhance and converge the Information Security mgmt. processes and practices across the former entities that constitute the new division.
There are several activities that needs to be performed that are in-between general BAU and small projects that require light touch project management. These the can very short engagements working with stakeholders in :
To augment the Information Security team to perform these small projects, provide guidance and acquire outcomes/decisions from stakeholders. The role requires a security SME/generalist with cross section of process, technology and project management. The specialist will work under the responsibility of the Head of IS Services and Risk Management or delegate. The responsibilities of the role will include the following:
All deliverables are subject to an internal quality assurance and peer reviews will be conducted by the Information Security team.
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