The client is looking for an experienced Functional Analyst/ Architect, with more as 10 years business
experience in information management systems.
He/she will analyze and guide the implementation of a file (dossier) and process (case) management
system, based on SharePoint and K2.
Technical Skills
existing organizations and their IT environments, user requirements definition, To-Be functional
design, and also follow up and guidance of development and implementation, and finally test
coordination and end user training;
5 years of experience in web other content management systems (ex: Alfresco, OpenText Documentum, IBM FileNet, Adobe Experience Manager …) with a focus on optimizing the user eXperience;Experience in using K2 as process (workflow and case) management system.
Soft Skills
Il n'y a pas d'offres.
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FeelanceDay, date création entreprise 12-05-2017 - Il y a 8 ans, forme juridique : SARL unipersonnelle, noms commerciaux REESK DIGITAL SOLUTION, adresse postale 28 RUE DE LONDRES 75009 PARIS, numéro SIREN : 829739622, numéro SIRET (siège) : 2973962200019, numéro TVA Intracommunautaire : FR28829739622, numéro RCS Paris B 829 739 622, activité (Code NAF ou APE), edition de logiciels applicatifs (5829C)